Qualtrics for Jefferson

Create Better Surveys

Jefferson now offers unlimited access to a top-ranked,
secure survey tool for your research, at no cost to you.

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Build. Distribute. Analyze.

Qualtrics is a dynamic online survey tool now available to all Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health employees, faculty, staff and students for Jefferson-related projects.

Use your Jefferson Campus Key to log in.

Get Started

The Qualtrics Research Suite offers tools to build surveys that fulfill a variety of needs. With Qualtrics you can create web and mobile-friendly surveys and export data directly to SPSS, PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Use your Jefferson Campus Key to log in.

How Does Qualtrics Compare?




Easy to use
HIPAA Compliant
Available on iPhone
Available on Android

You don't have to use paid tools like SurveyMonkey and SurveyGizmo. Take advantage of the many benefits and features of Qualtrics now available at no cost to you.

Learn Qualtrics

First-time users, please start here.

View Intro Video

Learn to Use Qualtrics Research Core: Become a Research Expert by learning to use the Qualtrics product.


For Qualtrics